Caution: This is a graphic video and children SHOULD NOT watch it.
JUST WHO IS 10:10?
(Taken from their website)
10:10 was initially launched as a UK campaign on the 1st September 2009, but on that very first day they received an email from Malaysia: "Hi! I'd love to start a 10:10 campaign here. What do I do?".
Over 100 inquiries followed in the next few months, until they finally admitted they had to go global.
Since then, 10:10 has taken off in 40 countries, and there are new hubs gearing up all the time.
10:10 France launched on 5th June, with UN good will ambassador Yann Arthus-Bertrand at the helm (best known for his cult series of aerial photography books, ‘Earth from Above’). He and his formidable team at Good Planet have already gathered sign ups from the likes of L'Oreal, Accor, the French Tennis Federation, Football Club Saint-Etienne, the Minister of Education, and mayors of Lille, Paris, Le Mans, and Mouans-Sartoux. Partnerships with France’s biggest broadcaster and newspaper have seen to it that the campaign has been featured on TV shows "Mots Croisés" and Le Grand Journal and on French national radio.
What other countries were next to get involved?
The Netherlands
The Balkans, Adriatic, Mediterranean, Central & Eastern Asia areas
Just days after forming a new coalition government UK Prime Minister David Cameron announced that the entire government estate will be doing 10:10.
Earlier this year some of the world’s most high-impact campaigning organisations decided to throw their weight behind 10:10, including the Global Campaign for Climate Action (with over 250 member organisations including Greenpeace, Oxfam and WWF) and - who last year pulled off what CNN called “the most widespread day of political action in the planet’s history”, involving 5,200 climate protests.
And what do we know about these countries?
France is a Republic; Presidency independent of legislature; ministry subject to parliamentary confidence.
The Netherlands is a Constitutional monarchy; Ministry is subject to parliamentary confidence.
Norway is a Constitutional monarchy; Ministry is subject to parliamentary confidence.
Serbia is a Republic; Ministry is subject to parliamentary confidence.
Croatia is a Republic; Ministry is subject to parliamentary confidence.
Portugal is a Republic; Presidency independent of legislature; ministry subject to parliamentary confidence.
Germany is a Republic; Ministry is subject to parliamentary confidence.
The UK is a Constitutional monarchy; Ministry is subject to parliamentary confidence.
What is the United States of America? A Republic; Presidency independent of legislature.
Most of the countries listed above are a part of the European Union. They are not only governed within their own countries but also by the EU. The UK openly admits that it is not a 'true' democracy, but a social democracy. Social democratic political parties, which sometimes also include a democratic socialist element, operate in many developed and developing countries, including France and Germany.
The United States is the only industrial nation that does not currently possess an official major social democratic party, although many consider large portions of the Green Party and some liberal factions of the Democratic Party (United States) to be social democratic.
What's going on this year: 10-10-10?
(From their website)
We're plotting to trigger the biggest ever day of practical action on climate change on the 10th of October 2010 (aka 10:10:10). Enough banners, enough protests, enough websites.10:10:10 will be about getting to work.
(My comments)
The Event is basically 'A Global Day of Doing' - and there's nothing wrong with encouraging people to ride their bikes to work, commuting to work to cut down on carbon emissions from car exhaust, using public transportation, gardening, planting trees, having a cold lunch instead of cooking one. In fact, a lot of those things are great!
However, if 10:10 is encouraging people to blow up those of us who do not do those things, they are setting the date for international eco-terrorism.
News sources:
The Blaze recently ran an article online about the video and its backlash. Last year an 'anonymous' article was posted on a popular left-leaning political site 'Talking Points Memo', and was scrapped after its message: "At what point do we jail or execute global warming deniers?"
Talking heads:
James Hansen (NASA) called for trials of climate skeptics in 2008 for "high crimes against humanity".
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. declared in 2007, "This is treason. And we need to start treating [those who do not adhere to ideas about global warming] them as traitors." In 2009, he called coal companies, "criminal enterprises".
Joe Romm, a former Clinton Administration official, commented on his climate progress website warning that "an entire generation will soon be ready to strangle you and your kind while you sleep in your beds", aiming his 'prediction' at those who ignore global warming.
David Suzuki, a Canadian environmentalist, called for government leaders skeptical of global warming in 2008 to be thrown "into jail".
In 2009, Climate Depot was banned in Louisiana because state officials wanted to shut down climate skeptics' testimonies at a hearing.
My suggestions
1. If you are concerned about the climate, then get involved in your own way, but violence is never an answer to solving an issue.
2. If you think that the 10:10 video was over-the-top, contact them and tell them so.
3. If you want to learn more about any of the information I have given you, use your head and look it up and verify it. Don't be a sheep - find out the truth for yourself.
4. Read the Farmer's Almanac and compare current weather patterns and predictions and make an educated decision as to whether or not you believe that the climate has or is changing.
5. Elect leaders who share your own views and support organizations who do the same. Don't support leaders and organizations that do not.
6. It's never wrong to voice your own opinion regardless of how others take it. Their interpretation of what you say is on them.
7. Spend the 10th of October 2010 in the way in which you have planned.
8. Celebrate your life because you don't know when it might come to an end.
9. Celebrate what is around you because you never know when it might be gone.
10. Love each other because love, not hate, is what bridges gaps between people.
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